Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Thoughts


Happy thoughts for a Happy New Year!

I created this card using a sketch from 2 Sketches 4 You. They have some amazing sketches for both cards and page layouts.

I created this card last night while I was cropping.

It also falls in line with SCS Limited Supply Challenge 201 because it uses my favorite things cool colors, brads, flowers, and my acrylic stamps.

I love this paper which can only be found in the SU! Spanish catalog.

And I love how the happy reminds me of a smiley face.

Materials Used:
Stamps: Acrylic stamp set I bought at Archiver's

Paper: CM Cardstock Spiced Cider, SU! Designer Paper Juntos (in Spanish Catalog only)
Ink: SU! Old Olive
Accessories: Brads, CTMH flower - white, No.2 Forever Flowers - brown

This is the card that we made at my Demo DJ's house (she was hosting the crop). Isn't it cute.

I definitely will think about adding these stamp sets to my wish list.

Maybe the designer paper too.

I would give you all the materials list for this one if I knew it.

I just don't know the SU! catalog as well as I do the CM catalog.

Happy Thoughts.

Happy Crafting.



  1. Really cute card Maryellen! Thanks for playing

  2. So pretty! Great take on the sketch!
